Ratty (WIP)
By: Elise Otterlei
Ratty is Srathibene, Lord of Tivyuan, vassal under the failing rule of Emperor Song of Terkuhn and former lover to the Crown Prince of Song. Returning to the Imperial City after two years fighting the Emperor’s dirty war, she finds her loyalties in turmoil similar to the politics of the empire itself. The only thing she knows with certainty is that
Vengel Tein the Blood Heron
By: Elise Otterlei
During Prince Regent Varan Kuhn’s tyrannical attempts at securing his rule, Vengel Tein, now second in line to the throne, is forced to marry a foreign prisoner in order to sever her remaining political influence. Born as only fifty-sixth in line to the throne, Vengel has always been cautious of the royal family’s blood feuds that earned the monicker of Blood

Princess Vengel Tein - The Blood Heron
During Prince Regent Varan Kuhn’s tyrannical attempts at securing his rule, Vengel Tein, now second in line to the throne, is forced to marry a foreign prisoner in order to sever her remaining political influence.
Born as only fifty-sixth in line to the throne, Vengel has always been cautious of the royal family’s blood feuds that earned the monicker of Blood Herons for their capacity to cull their own kin.
Yet while a heron might seem unmoving, they also strike with deadly precision.
Just as Vengel prepares to fight back, she finds that her husband has secrets and ambitions of his own, some of which are potentially more dangerous than her own escape from Varan Kuhn.
Now her rise to power is not only a question of severed family ties, but politics the scale of which once toppled an empire.
Read My Books
Ratty (WIP)
By: Elise Otterlei
Vengel Tein the Blood Heron
By: Elise Otterlei
Read My Articles
To be perfectly honest, I am starting from scratch. BUT I am also fortunate enough to have worked with sales, marketing and online advertising, so
(I originally planned to have it done in less than nine months!)When I set out to write Vengel Tein, I told my friend that I would have it finished,
I need to get this off my chest, so it'll get to be the first post on a topic I am certain I will revisit many times: why I choose to