(I originally planned to have it done in less than nine months!)
When I set out to write Vengel Tein, I told my friend that I would have it finished, ready for launch within a year, with the full draft ready in less than nine months.
Ambitious (and, turns out, not doable).
But not impossible.
I am a plotter. I plot, then write, then go back and add what’s missing from the story (not the plot).
This allows me to write fast. Being blessed with absolute disregard for rules, other people’s opinion about my writing, I am able to write the darn thing almost entirely without writer’s block or loopholes.
I fully believe that the worst plothole (call for suspnsion of disbelief) in Vengel Tein is presented within the first chapter, and if you are able to deal with a little bit of sheer luck and people being inconsistent, then the rest of the story – when it comes to the plot structure – is more or less coherent.
But why do the entire thing on such a short timeframe?
Because I wanted to.
Because I think it’s possible.
Because if a writer aims to live off their writing, then the numbers are very clear: they need to produce more books, faster.
That isn’t going to win you a prize, or literary acclaim, or maybe even a whole lot of readers.
But if you sit down and go through the numbers – the realistical numbers for any given ebook – you’ll soon realize that you need more than one book if you aim to make money from it.
And I am here to see if that is at all possible.
(It will take more than a year.)
You are invited to follow along!